Here you can see how to measure network speeds in the simplest and most efficient way on VDS and Dedicated servers running OC Linux.

For example, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS will be used.

Moving on to installation

First, we need to update the package lists and system repositories using the following command:

sudo apt-get -y update

After a few minutes the process was finished, then we need to install the utility curl:

apt-get install -y curl

Is ready!

Now download files of Speedtest software itself:

curl -s | sudo bash

Files downloaded successfully.

Next we apply this command to unpack and install Speedtest:

sudo apt-get install speedtest

Speedtest is installed.

Now we can use a simple command to check the network speed:


Enter the command and accept the license.

Then begins the process of measuring the network speed.

Upon completion, we are provided with full information about the results of the test:

Last updated