Installing Marzban

Marzban is a web panel designed for managing proxy servers and supporting protocols such as VMess, VLESS, Trojan, and ShadowSocks. It allows for efficient user management, configuration of various proxy connection parameters, including traffic and expiration limits, and IP address access control. The panel also supports automatic SSL certificate configuration and integration with Telegram for convenient notifications and management. Marzban is ideal for both experienced administrators and those just starting with proxy servers, offering an intuitive interface and flexible settings.

Supported protocols

VMess is a proprietary protocol for communication in the V2Ray project, specifically developed to bypass network restrictions and ensure privacy. This protocol supports both TCP and UDP traffic, making it versatile. A key feature of VMess is that it uses encryption and obfuscation to hide data transmitted between the client and server, making traffic detection by ISPs significantly more difficult.


  • Intuitive web interface: Marzban offers a simple and user-friendly web interface that allows easy management of proxy servers, creation and configuration of user accounts, and control of traffic and resources without requiring deep technical knowledge.

  • REST API for flexible management: All Marzban functionality is available through a REST API, allowing it to be integrated with other systems and automate proxy server management processes at the software level.

  • Infrastructure scalability: Marzban supports integration with multiple nodes, allowing load distribution between servers and effective infrastructure scaling as the number of users or traffic volume grows.

  • Multi-protocol support for users: Each user can use multiple protocols simultaneously, providing flexibility and compatibility with various clients.

  • Support for multiple users on a single connection: Marzban allows the creation of multiple user accounts that can use a single inbound connection, optimizing server resource usage.

  • Hosting multiple inbound connections on a single port: The platform supports hosting multiple inbound connections on a single port, with fallback mechanisms configurable, enhancing connection reliability.

  • Traffic and expiration limits: The panel can set traffic and expiration limits for user accounts, helping to manage server resources effectively.

  • Server resource monitoring: Built-in monitoring tools allow real-time tracking of server status and traffic usage, enabling quick response to load changes.

  • Support for modern security technologies: The panel is integrated with TLS and new technologies like REALITY, ensuring connection security and resilience.

  • Built-in Telegram bot: For convenient management, a built-in Telegram bot is available, allowing notifications and commands to be sent directly through the messenger.

  • Command Line Interface (CLI): Marzban also supports management via the command line, which is especially useful for experienced users who prefer a text interface.


Use the command to install the Marzban panel:

sudo bash -c "$(curl -sL" @ install

After installation, you can monitor the logs. Stop them by pressing Ctrl+C. All Marzban files will be saved in the /opt/marzban directory, and the main configuration file can be found at /opt/marzban/.env

To create an administrator account, enter the command:

sudo marzban cli admin create --sudo

Enter a login for the new account, password, and repeat the password. The system will then ask for your Telegram ID and Discord Webhook; these are optional settings that can be skipped by pressing Enter. Afterward, you will see a message confirming the successful creation of the administrator account.

Go to http://SERVER_IP:8000/dashboard/ (replace SERVER_IP with your server’s IP address). Enter the credentials of the previously created user to log in.

On the main page of the control panel, use the “Create User” button to create a new user.

If necessary, you can set a daily traffic limit (in GB) and specify the expiration date for this user. By default, all protocols are selected, but we will leave only VLESS as the most convenient and reliable. Click “Create User.”

Connecting to proxy


The user has been successfully created. Next, copy the configuration using the button highlighted in the screenshot.

For connecting with Windows / macOS / Linux / Android, we recommend using the Hiddify program. Download it for any of the systems.

After installing and launching the program, use the “New Profile” button and click “Add From Clipboard” to paste the authorization code from the clipboard. Before doing so, make sure you copied it as shown above.

After a successful connection to the network, you will be able to see user activity and traffic consumption in the control panel.

Mobile app

As previously mentioned, for Android, you can use the Hiddify app. However, it is not available in the App Store. For iPhone, we recommend installing V2Box.

The setup is just as simple. Just go to the Configs section and scan the QR code. The configuration will then be added to the app.

Connection established successfully! You can now use the network.

Last updated