Activating DNS Hosting

In the main category we find the DNS hosting section.

Here we need to order a free hosting service, which will be necessary in working with the Domain name.

Set the payment period to 1 year and click Order.

Add product to cart. Click Activate.

Our order is being processed and will be available in a few seconds.

The DNS hosting service has been activated!

Setup process

The data to enter the panel you can find on el. the mail that is linked to the Billing System account, or select the service and click the Instruction button.

In the window that opens, we see information about the service, as well as data for entering the control panel.

Go to the link and login.

We’re in the control panel. Click the New Domain button.

Specify the Domain name itself, if you wish, you can specify your mail in the Administrator’s Email field (it is necessary for the Hosting Provider to contact you directly in case of questions) and click OK.

Our domain was added to the panel.

Click on the domain line and then click on the Records button.

All standard domain name records are visible here. Click the Create button.

In the Name line, enter the symbol «@ » to apply the entry to the address, not the subdomain. Specify the IP address to which our domain should refer and click OK.

Record Types: A — specifies the address the domain will reference. АААА — is also used to link to a domain, but under IPv6-адреса. NS — to specify the DNS server that will use the domain( MX — the record specifies the mail server for the domain name. TXT — attaches text information to the domain, usually used to confirm domain name ownership. SRV —most often used to specify data under special protocols (for example: SIP, XMPP). CNAME — the record creates aliases for the domain. DNAME —is used to create aliases, but only subdomain, without affecting the primary domain name. PTR — links the IP address to the domain name, usually required for mail services. CAA —specifies the certified certification authorities. DS — entry specifies the key to useDNSSEC. TLSA — is used to TLS-аутентификации.

Done, our A-record successfully added.

Now we just have to wait.

Note that if you rent your server from us, the DNS update will take a few minutes.

In case of renting hardware (not domain) from another provider, the upgrade can take up to 48 hours.


After a short period of time (3-4 minutes) our Domain successfully directs the user to the required site!

Last updated